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Bring Your Displays to Life with Retail Smart Shelves

September 14, 2022
smart shelf, time, store, customer, product, track, things, technology, retailers, inventory

What if your display could answer customer questions, learn their preferences, and guide their decision to purchase with a relevant digital experience while they hold your product in their hand? What if shoppers made this display their destination when they entered the store? That’s what a Smart display can do when it draws attention with its dynamic presentation of your brand.  Keep reading to learn more.

Glyph Retail Smart Shelves

Bring Displays to Life

In a retail space of non-descript shelves, a visually stunning display is a proven way to merchandise your products. However, in today’s retail environment, that’s not enough. New consumer behavior demands an information-rich engagement to make an informed decision to buy.

Your Brand’s Story in Living Color

Why do customers choose one brand over another? Sometimes it comes down to selection and price, for example. But when all things are equal, customers choose the brand with the best story.

Telling that story with vivid imagery, product details, reviews, benefit suggestions, and influencer commentary builds the shopper’s connection to your brand. In collaboration with The Incredible Perch Lift & Learn display solution, we transform that buying moment of truth by connecting the physical and digital experience of your product to drive conversion.

How it works

This unique interactive display system uses optical sensing that responds when a shopper touches or reaches for a product on display. Drawn by color and motion on the attract screen, the intuitive connection between physical and digital merchandising transforms the shopping experience by exploring relevant content with gorgeous visuals. Endless aisle and virtual try-on features can also be added.

Not only an entertaining and informative product and brand journey for the shopper, but engagement metrics also reveal what is driving conversion, pricing, packaging, and other measures to help brands, marketers, and retailers gain invaluable data on the shopper’s interaction. Dwell time, pick up to conversion, digital content preferences, planogram optimization, and other various key performance indicators let stakeholders ‘see’ store by store, day, and time how shoppers are reacting.

Proven Success

The Incredible Perch Display Solution has been embraced by Macy’s, Johnson and Johnson, Dove, Purina, Cover Girl, and other market leaders to transform their in-store merchandising and deliver documented sales lift of at least 30% across multiple categories. That’s the power of Smart merchandising.

Picture of Retail Smart Shelves

Key Takeaways

  • Physical + Digital = Smart merchandising that brings the shopping experience to life and changes how consumers will relate to your brand.
  • It provides a channel of communication with the shopper and the opportunity for stakeholders to build an ideal personalized relationship with them.
  • Real-time analytics and data from the shopper’s engagement provide valuable insights to optimize merchandising programs, create ROI models, and strengthen retail channel relationships.

Get the Best Visual Merchandising Today

Are you ready to bring the shopping experience to life with retail smart shelves?  At Tri-PlexDesign, we specialize in creating stunning displays that combine with next-generation, top digital solutions and technology to shape the future of retail. Give us a call today!

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