Cost-efficient, visually stunning displays.
Have the Smartest Display in the Store – it’s the future of Retail.
Conceive. Design. Build. Engage.
We’ve been called a merchandising think tank for our creativity, nimbleness, and forward-thinking approach to solving every challenge thrown at us. This encompasses the entire production cycle, from proposed ideas to concrete solutions to timely delivery.
Our expert retail marketing solutions range from basic packaging to our Smart Merchandising displays that transform your clients’ retail experience from static to delightfully engaging. We do everything in between too! Please explore our site today to best grow your sales, create more brand awareness, and build a strong bridge between your consumers and your business.
Welcome to Tri-PlexDesign – the smartest voice in retail merchandising.
Welcome to Tri-PlexDesign – the smartest voice in retail merchandising.
How Our Retail Marketing Solutions Can Help
We conceive award-winning displays that are unusually diverse in materials and scope yet all share the ability to capture the voice of a brand and its products in way others simply do not.
We design stunning displays that capture shopper attention, engineered to your budget with optimum production efficiency and made with sustainable materials.
We build temporary, promotional, permanent, endcap, and store-within-store merchandising structures along with digitally relevant content when applicable. Our quality and manufacturing services run broad and deep.
We engage people through unique structures, informative content regarding your brand, and Smart Merchandising technology. Modern consumer behavior demands a convenient and informational shopping experience, which we provide in any way you require.
Partnering With Market Leaders Since 1990