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Mobile Engagement Is the Retail Environment of the Future: Get Started Today

August 14, 2022
Perch Purina

Almost 100% of people aged 18-29 in the United States own a smartphone. With digital and physical shopping needs merging, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re adapting. Below, we list some of the available mobile engagement strategies that Tri-PlexDesign can help you put in place in your retail displays to empower your business and customers. By the end, you will understand the power of mobile engagement in your retail business.

Mobile Engagement Strategies

The Power of Interactive Displays from Tri-Plex Design

Our specialized interactive mobile content is the most cost-effective Smart Merchandising tool for transforming your retail space and the shopper’s experience with your products on display. Its features will make your in-store merchandising more dynamic, more personalized, and attention-grabbing than ever before! Let’s take a look.

QR Codes

Shoppers know how to activate these codes, and you attract attention by customizing them with color, your logo, and a compelling message that shoppers will want to check out. It’s an easy, cost-effective way to onboard shoppers from your display to a unique information-rich path to purchase while building and increasing strong awareness of your brand.

Our platform also delivers valuable metrics on the shopper’s interaction with the product’s features, benefits, and digital content. Collecting this data is invaluable to understanding consumer behavior and which influences are driving the most conversion.

Platform Features

Shoppers want product information to learn about the brand behind it. Reviews, influencer opinions, social media relevance, and related product suggestions being at the tip of their fingers all play a part in the purchase decision.

Help users understand the benefits and features of what they are buying, answer FAQs, and enable them to self-qualify their needs.

  • Gain insight into purchase drivers by date, time, and location
  • Guide buying decisions with highly relevant narratives
  • Convert browsers into buyers with instant redeemable offers
  • Create brand loyalty and social sharing
  • Communicate with shoppers post-store visit

Key Takeaways:

  • QR code launched mobile engagement is an easy and inexpensive way to deliver a unique, information-rich experience to drive conversion and build strong brand awareness.
  • Specialized mobile content guides the shopper’s journey with frequently asked questions, reviews, promotional incentives, and more to lift sales.
  • Real-time analytics of the shopper interaction collected on the platform delivers intelligence on what drives buying decisions to optimize your future display and merchandising performance.

Learn More About Mobile Engagement

You should now understand a bit more about how mobile engagement can increase your profits. Our team of experts aims to build brand awareness with our interactive displays in retail stores. Give us a call today and let us know what solutions you need help with, as we would be happy to discuss your options.

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